To ensure consistency it is often desirable to run a script periodically to confirm all users are setup as expected. The following powershell script can help with obtaining ProfilePath, HomeDirectory and HomeDrive.

In an elevated (run as Administrator) powershell window run the following:
Get-ADUser -Filter 'enabled -eq $true' -Properties ProfilePath, HomeDirectory, HomeDrive | Select Name, SamAccountName, ProfilePath, HomeDirectory, HomeDrive

To export the list into a more convenient format such as CSV simply run the following:
Get-ADUser -Filter 'enabled -eq $true' -Properties ProfilePath, HomeDirectory, HomeDrive | Select Name, SamAccountName, ProfilePath, HomeDirectory, HomeDrive | Export-Csv -path "c:\temp\userlist.csv"

The above can be tweaked to get more properties as needed.

Hope this helps!